Sep 2, 2015 | Destinations |
Hey, everyone! Have you missed our outdoors adventure? Well, here’s another one! One fine morning, my AWSome (the name of our outdoors club) friends from the office decided to conquer Mt Hambubuyog located in Ginatilan, Cebu. What I love about our group is that...
Jun 29, 2015 | Destinations |
Warning: This post is long and has a gazillion pictures. I couldn’t choose fewer and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’d love it though – full of greens and browns: WELCOME TO THE PHILIPPINES! 🙂 It has been some time since I last shared any...
Apr 20, 2015 | Destinations |
Hello again! Did you know that during our recent Osmeña Peak camping, we actually decided to do the Kawasan Falls traverse? For those not familiar with the terms, to traverse means to go sideways – Osmeña Peak is located in Dalaguete, in the southeastern portion...
Apr 6, 2015 | Destinations |
One weekend, we decided to go Osmeña Peak camping with our toddler. Towering at 1013+ MASL, the peak is actually the highest point in Cebu and we were glad to cross that off of our list. While it took us quite a while to get to the top, I can definitely say...
Mar 30, 2015 | Destinations |
The Philippines can be such an intimidating place to travel with kids but fear not – we’re here to prove you wrong. In fact, we just recently brought our toddler up day trekking at Mt. Pinatubo, Zambales. This is our third mountain, according to blog...