Dec 30, 2015 | Family Travel, Parenting |
The truth is that we’re skipping the gift giving this year. Christmas is a big thing here in the Philippines and I feel like a Grinch saying just that but there are just some priorities we have to consider, such as paying for a house. But in case you have some...
Dec 18, 2015 | Family Travel, Parenting |
Disclosure: This awesome post is brought to you by our friends from Alaska Crema and Nuffnang! While I may not have any skills in the kitchen (or perhaps it has yet to be discovered), I love food anyway. Okay, maybe not totally as I am still a picky eater but sweets...
Nov 30, 2015 | Family Travel, Parenting, Travel Gears |
We’d like to give a big shout-out to Baby Company Philippines who recently opened their 59th baby at the SM Seaside City Cebu. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to get updated on the latest deals and promos! If there is one thing I would like to do...
Nov 29, 2015 | Family Travel, Parenting, Travel Tips and Tricks |
5 Tips to Boost Your Immunity during the Holidays [social_warfare] The holidays is just right around the corner and, as a freelancer for about three months now, I realized that I have to double-time with my projects since I won’t be getting any Christmas bonus...
Jun 24, 2015 | Family Travel, Parenting, Travel Inspiration, Travel Tips and Tricks |
8 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Love the Outdoors [social_warfare] While it’s already summertime in the US, here on our side of the world (EST + 12 hours), we are starting to prepare for the rainy season. Just a short background, our little spot of the...