Jun 15, 2015 | Destinations |
[social_warfare] We love the beaches as much as we love the mountains. While I’m not exactly a huge fan of that sticky feeling after a dip on the beach and the hot sun, all that disappears when there is wind blowing on my face. Haha. I’d actually prefer... May 11, 2015 | Destinations |
This weekend, we decided to hit the beach. It is summer after all here – no wait, scratch that – it’s the hottest of the year-round summer months here in tropical Philippines. There was a new-ish attraction (since August 2014) in a nearby island that... Apr 20, 2015 | Destinations |
Hello again! Did you know that during our recent Osmeña Peak camping, we actually decided to do the Kawasan Falls traverse? For those not familiar with the terms, to traverse means to go sideways – Osmeña Peak is located in Dalaguete, in the southeastern portion... Apr 6, 2015 | Destinations |
One weekend, we decided to go Osmeña Peak camping with our toddler. Towering at 1013+ MASL, the peak is actually the highest point in Cebu and we were glad to cross that off of our list. While it took us quite a while to get to the top, I can definitely say... Mar 12, 2015 | Destinations |
One weekend, a good friend back in college invited us to camp at Sirao Peak. It was about four months after the first time we camped there, when we actually took the shorter route to get to the peak. I was honestly still hesitant about going there knowing that it...