Mar 31, 2014 | Destinations |
A Taste of Slow Travel at Isla Reta Resort in Talicud Island [social_warfare] Did you know that all of the Davao travel posts I have written so far, including this one, happened in one day? Yes folks, that was how the three of us got to be in five islands in a single...
Mar 26, 2014 | Destinations |
Short and Sweet Samal Retreat in Davao del Norte! [social_warfare] We arrived in Davao City at around 9AM on a Sunday morning, just in time to find a good accommodation and get a glimpse of the Araw ng Dabaw 2014 festivities. But, despite wanting to follow the slow...
Mar 24, 2014 | Destinations |
Our recent Davao City trip is perhaps among the most memorable trip I have ever had. It was our first out of town trip as a family – just the three of us – and the first without any hotel reservations made or itineraries carefully planned out. Okay, maybe...
Mar 19, 2014 | Destinations |
Accommodations always take up a huge chunk of the budget during travel. Hotels are always the best way to go, of course, but only if you want the ultimate luxury (not the way to go when you are a proclaimed backpacker) and you have the moolah for it. Otherwise, you...