DayOne Response: Access to Clean Drinking Water on the Trail

How much do you appreciate the littlest things in life?
You probably take water for granted but in times of calamities and emergencies, you will surely realize its worth. In a third-world country like ours, you don’t even have to wait until disaster strikes to learn its importance. Out of the 101 million people living in the Philippines, about 8 million Filipinos do not have access to safe water.
My little family and I are lucky to have access to this *very basic* need but when we do go out on hiking and camping trips, we do our best to make sure to bring more than what is needed. After all, the Philippines is a tropical country and the mountains has very limited source of clean and potable water, if at all.
A little over a year ago, we took on a very difficult trail to go camping — it was the middle of summer and no water source was in sight. Thinking about it right now, I wonder how we managed to survive a 10-hour hike with a toddler in tow.
But really, the situation here in our country is better than many other places around the world. Which is why many awesome and innovative people create things such as the DayOne Response Waterbag to make a life a lot easier and safer.
Sure, it’s one thing to be able to find water but it’s another thing to find one that is actually safe enough for drinking. Would you believe that the DayOne Waterbag can ensure this — and more? In summary, here is the reason why this waterbag is fast becoming a trusted item not just during hikes and treks but also during emergency response.
The DayOne Waterbag™ is:
- All-in-one patented solution
- Closed multi-treatment system
- Uses P&G™ Purifier of Water
- Meets emergency drinking water guidelines
- U.S. Marines Ranked #1 in water performance and user operation
- Clear and simple user instructions
- Easy to transport
- Tested Worldwide
Awesome, right? And with its integrated filter plus backpack straps, you can ensure that you have everything that you need to treat and store safe drinking water wherever you are in the world. It can treat for sediment, arsenic, bacteria, lead, viruses, humic acid, protozoan cysts, and DDT.
One full pack of this waterbag can already hold and purify10 liters of water in just 30 minutes, and provide for a family of four for up to two months. It also comes with 60 packets of water purifiers, which should be enough to supply up to 600 liters of water.
Honestly, this is something that we truly need right now here in the Philippines. Even our tap water isn’t safe for drinking but if we can have this in our homes and use it regularly (and not have to wait for disaster to come to use it) then we do not only save money to buy expensive bottled drinking water but we also ensure the health and safety of everyone.
During calamities, which the Philippines is very prone of, it should also be one of the most important things to bring during disaster response. Weighing just 10 kilos even when it is full, they can be brought and used just about anywhere.
To date, DayOne has supplied more than 15 million liters of water to more than 20 countries all around the world. They are also planning to expand their reach and double their impact by sending out their bags to countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Thailand, UAE, Panama and the Philippines (YAY!!!).
What does this mean for you? Well, I’m not asking you to donate money or anything but spreading the word about this great product is already a huge thing. You can share this post or, if you want to learn more about them, you can head on to their website and find out what goals they are trying to achieve.
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you in partnership with DayOne Response but we truly believe in this product. We hope you do, too, and that you spread the word out.
DayOne Response
Website: DayOne Response
Twitter: @dayoneresponse
Instagram: @dayoneresponse
About the Author

Pam is an outdoors-loving millennial momma who loves to hike, trek and camp in the beaches and mountains with her partner and their 3-year-old daughter. When not exploring the great outdoors, she moonlights as a freelance writer specializing in the travel, parenting, personal finance and digital marketing niches. You can also follow her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!