Jul 20, 2016 | Family Travel, Homeschooling |
Buribox Philippines: Monthly Content for Filipino Kids [social_warfare] I am a huge fan of subscription boxes for kids, especially since we are planning to homeschool our daughter. Unfortunately (and perhaps fortunately for our wallet), the Philippines does not have a...
Apr 11, 2015 | Family Travel, Homeschooling |
15 Reasons Why You Should Read Aloud to Young Kids [social_warfare] The partner and I love to read (although we differ in genre preferences) so it was not surprising why we instilled our daughter’s love for reading early on. She was about six months old when we...Dec 1, 2014 | Destinations, Family Travel, Homeschooling |
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. Any purchases made through these links help in the maintenance of this site. Thank you for your support! I wanted to share a short getaway today but unfortunately, that trip didn’t push through for the nth...Oct 18, 2014 | Family Travel, Homeschooling |
As a first-time mom to a now 19-month-old girl and a future homeschooler (cross fingers!), I find myself always on the lookout for great programs (sometimes I go overboard and look for curricula!) that would help my daughter’s education become a more enjoyable and fun...
Jul 30, 2014 | Family Travel, Homeschooling |
The use of flashcards on children, especially the very young ones, is something that many homeschooling moms are against. It is probably because flashcards are often used in drills – knowledge is rigorously drilled into the mind – making learning...