Mar 12, 2015 | Destinations |
One weekend, a good friend back in college invited us to camp at Sirao Peak. It was about four months after the first time we camped there, when we actually took the shorter route to get to the peak. I was honestly still hesitant about going there knowing that it...
Dec 23, 2014 | Destinations |
Chalet Hills in Busay, Cebu is the nearest and easiest place to camp with your family and friends. Where is it? Check this post out.
Sep 16, 2014 | Destinations |
Camping at Sirao Peak via Ayala Heights [social_warfare] Sirao Peak (also known as Mt. Kan-irag), 700+ MASL The nearest – and also the easiest – way to get there is through a 30-minute walk from Ayala Heights but you can always take a more challenging route, if you...