8 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Love the Outdoors

While it’s already summertime in the US, here on our side of the world (EST + 12 hours), we are starting to prepare for the rainy season.
Just a short background, our little spot of the world here in the Philippines basically has two seasons: the wet and dry. Wet season happens around June to October and for the rest of the year – well, let’s just say it’s mostly summer-y here, typical of tropical countries.
The coming months will become such a hassle especially since our country is right in the path of typhoons (we go through the alphabet for our typhoon names and often they all get used up for the entire year) but it’s still a welcome change from the extremely hot months we have been experiencing. It may have taken a few weeks before we finally got a taste of rain because of the El Niño phenomenon.
Despite all the wacky weather we have definitely been experiencing all throughout the year all thanks to climate change, we try, as much as we can, to get out of the house and spend time with nature (preferably up mountains or on beaches where it’s cooler). Activities like these also help our little toddler go through screen-free day(s). Hooray!
Now, unlike typical families here in our country, we try to stay away from the usual family vacation spots and choose to go a more adventurous route instead. Many people – parents! – think this is such a huge task and it is, but it’s definitely doable.
Below are some tips we would like to share with you to help encourage your child to love the outdoors.
Start them young.
The first time we ever camped with our daughter was on a secluded island with no electricity or even freshwater. We went there with my college friends and, to be honest, that night was among the scariest and longest in my life as a mom! Our daughter cried for some time but thankfully, we were able to sleep in a more comfortable bed (there were a few rooms in the island) instead of in a tent. I guess I could say, we made the right choice on that one.
Read books on nature.
We love reading books as a family. Among our favorite nature-themed books? Dr. Seuss’ [eafl id=4411 name=”Lorax Book – Amazon” text=”The Lorax”]* and [eafl id=4413 name=”Horton Hears A Who Book – Amazon” text=”Horton Hears A Who”]*!
Check out movies highlighting nature (minimally, of course!)
I know we aim for screen-free activities but, hey, aren’t kids more focused when they see pictures that move and talk? We are a big Dr. Seuss fans so we love the classic Lorax and Horton Hears a Who short movies (about twenty minutes so you don’t go over your screen time limit). Of course, older kids might love to watch the newer and lengthier versions of [eafl id=4414 name=”The Lorax Movie – Amazon” text=”The Lorax”]* and [eafl id=4415 name=”Horton Hears A Who Movie – Amazon” text=”Horton Hears A Who”]*.
Let them explore your backyard.
I know this will not apply to everyone (we will soon be transferring to our own town house which means NO BACKYARD!) but you can definitely find a way around this by doing the next one.
Go for short hikes.
Parks, gardens, plazas – you name it. Unfortunately, our parks here in the Philippines have mostly been placed in with concrete (sob) but there are still a few pockets of soil around that we could play in. Then again, even urban hikes can be interesting – just don’t forget to actually let them stop by trees and plants and flowers so they don’t forget these, too.
Tell a story about the things you see.
When our daughter starts to get irritable during our mountain hikes (they usually last 5 to 6 hours, at a minimum), we start to talk to her about the things we see around us – mountains, flowers, trees, birds, ants. When paired with an animated voice, things often become more interesting to them and they forget the tears that have almost rolled out of their eyes.
Do it regularly.
They say it takes 21 days for one to build a habit. You don’t necessarily have to go on a hike with your kids for 21 days in a row (we could definitely get you on the bill-paying and day-job-keeping arguments). However, being able to add it into your activities (once a week, once in two weeks, even once a month!) could do a lot of wonders.
Collect pictures.
What better way to get your kid excited for your next trip than by showing them awesome pictures from your recent trip? We love asking our daughter what she did there, the things she ate or saw or heard – and seeing her eyes light up just gives that awesome parent feels.
This post has even more outdoor bonding activities that parents and kids can do together!
How else do you encourage your child to love the outdoors? Do share!
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About the Author
Pam is an outdoors-loving millennial momma who loves to hike, trek and camp in the beaches and mountains with her partner and their 3-year-old daughter. When not exploring the great outdoors, she moonlights as a freelance writer specializing in the travel, parenting, personal finance and digital marketing niches. You can also follow her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!

Great post! Telling our kids about the things we see is of the utmost importance so they will learn what are these things all about. We can also tell them about how we feel, what our thoughts are, and the stories we can tell.
Great ideas! I have a two-year-old who constantly begs to be outside, but It’s hard to do things while I am holding a 9-month-old. I will def be trying some of these (maybe some not holding a baby!) haha
excellent ideas for h=getting outside
Um – can I rename this “8 Simple Ways to Encourage MYSELF to love the Outdoors”? 😉 I’m such a baby – I need a ton of help 😉
so true… Chidren learn more outdoors and nature could be their best teacher 🙂
Love this! We’ve done all of these things with my little one since he was young. I think exposing kids to nature and having them outside is so important.
I love this and how you are raising quite the explorer! 🙂 I am in South Florida and we are having record heat but most days are nice enough to get outdoors and enjoy nature. There is so much traffic in my area as well, but driving to the state parks or preserved natural areas are breathe taking.
So true. It might be equally hot here in the Philippines, probably hotter. I wish we could get out more but there’s not plenty of places with trees here in the city. And we’re not even in the center!
I love this. I try to do this even with my 9 month old. It’s so good to get out of the house, breathe the fresh air, and get some exercise!
Thanks for the great reminder to get out and play even if it’s not some elaborately planned event!
Right. It would have been so much better for us if we live near a park. Everything’s concrete here.
Great ideas! I have an almost 4 month old and I cant wait to explore the outdoors with her. She already loves the park!
That’s really great. Unfortunately, parks aren’t well taken care of in our country. 🙁
Great tips!! My daughter is 2.5 years old and we go for a walk around our neighborhood, play in our backyard almost every day. I let her do whatever she wants in the backyard, even playing in the mud and getting dirty. One day, I will make a post about my backyard. There are plenty of hiding spots behind or between plants. I also built a play area full of her own plants and a bird feeder. You can tell I am proud of my backyard, haha. 😉
We also go to the beach and parks a lot.
Oh I would love to read about your backyard. One day, we’ll buy a property with a huge yard!
Good tips! My son loves to play outside! He needs no encouragement lol, but I remember I much rather play inside as a kid than outside.
I don’t think I could handle no electricity or freshwater but exploring the backyard I’d not only do-able but a great idea!
These are such good ideas! We live in Michigan. It’s getting cold and I have a feeling we won’t be outdoors much longer this season, but once spring is here I can’t wait to get outside and play with my daughter and go on nature hikes and collect rocks, flowers and twigs. She always enjoys that.
great ideas! I was just thinking today about how to get my city baby to love the outdoors.
Playing outside is so important! We live right across the street from a park so we are there almost every day!
That’s so awesome! I would love to live right across a park.
This is full of fantastic ideas! I live in Norway and one thing I really love here is that it is all about outdoor life! From the time kids are tiny, they are out in all sorts of weather, people take their kids on hikes and do a lot of camping and outdoor gatherings and activities! It’s really great and definitely instills a love of nature in kids and all of us!
So true. That’s so cute!
OOOH I love this! I am determined that my kids will love the outdoors… whatever it takes ha!
I love getting outside. It’s the best!
My mom did many of the exact tings you mentioned with us. One of my favorites was hiking in a local bird park.
Love this, I was outside with my son when he was very little. We went on his first hick when he was crawling. Everyone thought it was the cutest because he did not want me holding him so this little baby is trying to crawl up a mountain. Anyways great tip.
I’m imagining it to be a pretty adorable sight!
Awesome ideas. It was really super cool to see the ideas for get the kids out more often. Definitely sounds fun
Great ides! Its winter here in Northern Ireland and my two love getting out of the house…………
Thank you! It’s still super hot here in the tropics and it makes you kinda want to just stay indoors. Hahaha.
Such awesome ideas! I’m not much of an outdoors person, but my husband definitely is. Thanks so much for sharing! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for dropping by, Cristi!
Hi Pam!
I had no idea that you live in the Philippines! I visited years ago to Panginsinan, Manila, and Cabunatuan. We were scheduled to go to Cebu but went to Hong Kong instead. Would love to see beautiful Cebu one day. But I’ll settle for reading about Cebu on your blog for now.
Oh wow, that’s amazing! You should come to Cebu though – it’s beautiful here and everything is just within reach. (Although, admittedly, the traffic has started to suck these days.)
I love these ideas, Pam! Kids need to be outdoors and, like you said, the younger they start the better!!
Thanks for dropping by, Dianne! 🙂
Great ideas! I think the more we talk up the activity beforehand, the better. Books, pictures and even getting things together for the big adventure are sure to help.
Yes, so true!
Awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing this! 🙂
Thank you, Natalie!