10 Reasons to Backpack with Your Family

People think that all fun and adventure ends the moment one has kids but it actually doesn’t. True, a lot of parents are hesitant about bringing the entire family on a trip of any form but only because having kids around makes things extra challenging. It certainly isn’t for the faint of heart BUT it is NOT impossible.
So, why should you even decide to backpack with your family? Below are a few good and compelling reasons why you should:
1. It teaches you to rely on fewer things
Backpacking forces you to pack only the bare necessities of life (haha, just watched Jungle Book). Basically, everything you really, truly need during your days on the road are all fitted together in one backpack. If you have always had a lot of things (and clutter) at home, it might be time to rehabilitate yourself to learn to let go of the material things.
That applies not just to the parents but also to the kids, especially those who are too hooked on their electronics.
2. It brings the best learning experience to you and your kids
Traveling and backpacking teaches everyone more lessons than a four-walled classroom can. Will they learn how to prioritize their things and pack only what they believe they need? Will they learn how to budget and stretch out money for as long as possible? Will they be able to find their way around with just a map in hand? Backpacking around the world exposes everyone to different languages, cultures, architectures and histories.
3. It is the best form of exercise for everyone
We’ve tried backpacking for nearly a week and, with a huge pack in our bags (because we also bring our camping gears with us), it is truly a great form of exercise.
4. It is much cheaper compared to other methods of traveling
We rarely go for package tours unless they prove to be a much cheaper way of getting to a destination for us. Instead, we take the public transportation (yes, even with a huge backpack and a backpack carrier) just like regular people, stay at backpacker inns and even walk our way around the city. Of course, we also try to splurge on other experiences but we do our best to scrimp and stretch our budget whenever and wherever we can.
5. It allows you to explore the road less traveled
Riding a van that come with tour packages the entire time limits the places you get to visit. Who knows what’s hidden in that corner or what that neighborhood or local mall or market offers people? When you backpack, you get to choose where to go and, in the process, discover hidden gems you would have otherwise not found.
6. It encourages everyone to get out of their comfort zone
Backpacking is not for the faint of heart and it teaches you many, many things including exploring things that are way beyond what you are comfortable with. Have you ever tried sleeping with strangers in a dorm room?
7. It creates the best memories with your loved ones
The memories you make together when you go on a backpacking trip will surely be one that you would cherish forever.
8. It teaches you to be patient with each other
Being with kids at home will admittedly still be a major test of patience but, when you’re on the road, it becomes extra challenging. You have nowhere to retreat and no gadgets or television to entertain your kids so you will have to be extra creative to find other ways to distract them and prevent tantrums.
9. It enhances everyone’s problem-solving skills
How do you budget your money on the road? Which experiences will you prioritize over the other? How will you get from point A to point B? How will you entertain yourself when you’re bored on the road? These are just a few things everyone will eventually learn to solve on their own or together, as a family.
10. It helps you gain a new perspective on life
When you travel and backpack with the family, you learn that life isn’t just about your career or your paycheck, your business, your house or your car. There is so much more to life than these things and you get a better perspective. In fact, you might just be able to get a clearer view of your priorities the moment you start traveling.
So, what are you waiting for? Tell your family to pack your bags, hop on board a bus and make memories of a lifetime.
Happy travels!
About the Author
Pam is an outdoors-loving millennial momma who loves to hike, trek and camp in the beaches and mountains with her partner and their 3-year-old daughter. When not exploring the great outdoors, she moonlights as a freelance writer specializing in the travel, parenting, personal finance and digital marketing niches. You can also follow her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!
I really feel like experiences like these only bring further growth and bonds your family for the better. And it really shows from all the lessons you’ve listed. All of which are great things to keep in mind. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this Pam! I wish I could also experience something like this with my future family. Soon! Hopefully. 🙂
Great Read Pam! Asha is such a cutie and really plays to the camera. I like the part about going out of the comfort zone the most. Getting out of comfort allows us to learn more about life and grow more to become better versions of ourselves.
Wow pam! There’s more to life jud than just sitting around. Hehe. Hopefully I would be able to travel with my partner puhon if di na kaayu mi busy sa amung careers. Hehe!
I’m taking down notes, this is such a great tips. My family is planning some adventure this October and I will remember every piece of advice. Thanks for this Pam 🙂
Rica | http://www.sassycebuannachic.com
Wow, Pam!I thought backpacking with a toddler around may not be an easy thing to do, but I admire you for making it sound so easy. Hehe! Will definitely consider this come the time that I’ll have my fair share of parenting and still get the time to travel.
I envy you for being able to travel with your whole fam! We’re 10 in the family plus my 2 sisters-in-law which makes us 12 in all. Lol! It’s kinda hard but, will try since I got inspired to travel with my fambam now. Thanks Pam!
http://www.sarahladeza.com 😉
It looked like a really fun family trip! One of my bucket lists is to backpack around Europe. But I always have this problem when it comes to packing… I tend to bring my entire life with me! LOL. I think I’ll give this a try here in the PH first and see how I do. 🙂
xo Anne of “Anne’s Scribbles and Doodles“
Makasuya gyud inyong family travels Pam! Hopefully kami sad sakong partner og ni Zayn makatravel together! Hihi. Karon kay antos antos lang sa kay wala pagyuy budget.
Hello Pam,
This is such an inspiring and encouraging blog post for the family. Your points are hitting the right dot within the circle. I should bring my whole family with me in one of my travels soon.