Back to School: Hello, Preschool Homeschool!

So it’s June once again which means that in the Philippines, it’s back to school time!
I have a four-year-old girl who is super excited to go to school but we’re not quite sure if we’re taking that route just yet. If you’ve been following us for some time now, you probably already know that we have plans to homeschool our kid(dos) so we can travel full-time but that is yet to unfold. We’ll cross the bridge when we get there, as they say.
Still, we’re just excited as our daughter to *hoard* school items. She loves reading books and can go for the beginner books on her own and quite confidently now. In fact, she just told me that she will aim for the hard books (Harry Potter level, she said) when she’s five; the ones that babies can’t understand. Okaaaaay.
But she’s still a kid. And books and pens and crayons and pencils and notebooks never fail to excite her.
If you’re a parent to school-aged kids, you’re probably just excited to prepare all those things needed for their first day at school. Take your pick, the Metro Stores has something in store for you!
Back to school isn’t just about uniforms and bags though. You have to remember other essentials, too. There’s towels, for example, because hellooooo hot and humid Philippines!
In case you’re shopping for back-to-school essentials, keep in mind these must-have items:
School uniforms
School shoes
Notebooks, papers, pens and other stationery items
Face towels
Food and water containers
Girl Scout’s uniform
In the meantime, we’re settling for this first:
Ahh, hate to admit it, but shopping feels like heaven! And when it comes to school supplies and anything and everything else you need in life (except a boyfriend or a husband may be haha), there’s always something for you at the Metro! 😉
Any other back-to-school preparations you want to share? Comment below!
This post is brought to you by our friends from The Metro Stores.
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About the Author

Pam is an outdoors-loving millennial momma who loves to hike, trek and camp in the beaches and mountains with her partner and their 3-year-old daughter. When not exploring the great outdoors, she moonlights as a freelance writer specializing in the travel, parenting, personal finance and digital marketing niches. You can also follow her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!
Amazing post! Thanks, pam! Your girl is so cute!
Aww…thank you!
Homeschooling, we think, is the educational “wave” of the future. In the digital age, and with the advent/popularity of work-at-home careers, home schooling is a practical alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Do Philippine institutions recognize home-schooling as a legit and official medium of education?
As far as I know in this country, many institutions, organizations, companies, etc. only recognize students/graduates if they have diplomas and certificates.
As far as I know, there are curriculum providers that are accredited by DepEd and(?)/or US edu laws. You follow the curriculum, get the books etc and provide the learning environment at home — basically just bring classroom at home. Many of them are VERY expensive though although probably less expensive than private schools.
There are those who do not follow curriculum (independent homeschoolers) but I am honestly not very sure how to tread this path although this is what we want. DepEd does provide placement exams (not sure of the term) for when the child decides to enter traditional school to help determine their grade level. I think ALS (alternative learning system) is also helpful in the future. Again, not yet an expert and also a little hesitant to ask DepEd people about the laws because I can feel their eyes already hahaha. Will do further research in the future. 😉