How to Keep Your Children Safe and Sound When Abroad

We haven’t been able to travel overseas as a family and we can’t wait to go on such an adventure…perhaps next year. In the meantime, while we search for a great destination (actually hoping for a backpacking adventure around SEA), we’ll accept on all types of advice we can about traveling with little kids abroad.
Here’s a post that both our family and yours might find helpful in the future.
Heading overseas is always fun – but it does bring with it a number of stresses which you don’t usually associate with life at home. One such dilemma comes in the form of ensuring your kids are kept out of harm. Today, let’s tackle how to keep your children safe and sound when abroad.
1. ID Wristband
If your child suffers from a condition which means they need to be careful when it comes to what they’re eating (such as an allergy or diabetes) it might be a good idea to supply them with a medical wristband.
These will give a detailed list of what your child needs should an emergency strike, and also allows them to be quickly identified and returned should they accidentally become separated from you during a day trip.
2. Take a first aid kit with you
Along a similar theme, it would also be smart to take a first aid kit with you which could potentially deal with any sticky situation your young ones find themselves in.
There are many different items which are recommended to be included in your kit, but arguably the most important include:
- Antiseptic wipes
- Painkillers
- Bandages
- A thermometer
- Insect repellent
You’ll hope to never use this kit; but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared to. Disasters do happen, so coming prepared is an absolute must for travellers.
3. Keep the kids in sight
It’s good to let the little ones escape and have their freedom, but it’s important to also remember to keep them in your field of vision at all times. It only takes a moment for something to go wrong.
A clever way of preventing your child from getting lost in the first place is by getting them to wear brightly coloured clothes which stand out in a crowd. Sure, they’ll look silly in the holiday photos when they look back at them in the future; but at least they’re safe.
4. Teach them emergency procedures
If you give your kids a brief rundown of what to do in certain danger scenarios, it will make their chances of getting through such a scrape considerably higher. For example, if you get separated on a day out, you’d be wise to organise a local point of significance to meet back at.
To ensure this doesn’t become too much of a stress for the little ones, you can always turn it into a game. This will allow them to learn a very important lesson without becoming scared or unsettled.
5. Strap them up
If you’re travelling with particularly small children, your best bet is to keep them on a harness at all times. This will guarantee they don’t run off into the path of oncoming danger. It’ll also make if significantly easier to keep an eye on them at all times.
Have these useful tips given you a better idea of how to keep your children safe when travelling abroad? Take heed of what we’ve covered today and you’ll find your child’s safety will be heightened the next time you’re on holiday.
This was a guest post written by Isabel Leong from
About the Author

Pam is an outdoors-loving millennial momma who loves to hike, trek and camp in the beaches and mountains with her partner and their 3-year-old daughter. When not exploring the great outdoors, she moonlights as a freelance writer specializing in the travel, parenting, personal finance and digital marketing niches. You can also follow her via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!
Wow, thanks Pam! Nice tips for future a future parent like me. Soon 🙂